我們如何在長時間的測試中捕獲數據,同時仍然捕獲快速、短暫的故障? ScopeCorder 系列儀器提供了寶貴的功能,可以同時滿足所有需求
50/60Hz 商用電源波形是正弦波,但當連接逆變器驅動馬達或開關電源等設備時,會產生 50Hz/60H 訊號整數倍的頻率成分來自設備,扭曲商用電源。如果包含此諧波分量的失真訊號透過電源線施加到家用電器或OA設備上,則會發生各種不利影響,例如設備過熱和故障。 冰箱壓縮機工作時,流經冰箱的電流瞬間增加,導致電源電壓下降
在車輛和運輸設備的路測中,如果可以將電池和馬達的電壓/電流、溫度和振動、CAN/CAN FD等車載串行總線數據等與速度一起記錄,可以進行更詳細的數據分析以及來自GPS 的位置資訊。
High-precision power consumption and efficiency evaluations of motors and inverters used in EVs and robots are required. In an evaluation, it is important to observe the transient instantaneous power and voltage and current waveforms during acceleration and deceleration as well as during steady state
A motor/inverter evaluation bench system incorporates equipment such as a power meter and a waveform measurement instrument. Generally, when acquiring the evaluation data, it is necessary to collect data from each instrument, and, commonly, a data collection system is constructed according to a customer's request
A waveform measurement instrument and power meter in the test room can be operated by a worker who is familiar with their operations, but the worker is often not allowed to enter the test room while motors and inverters are actually in operation. Unexpectedly, there are many cases in which the setting conditions temporarily set before measurement are insufficient in actual measurement