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我們如何在長時間的測試中捕獲數據,同時仍然捕獲快速、短暫的故障? ScopeCorder 系列儀器提供了寶貴的功能,可以同時滿足所有需求




High-precision power consumption and efficiency evaluations of  motors and inverters used in EVs and robots are required. In an evaluation, it is important to observe the transient instantaneous power and voltage and current waveforms during acceleration and deceleration as well as during steady state

A motor/inverter evaluation bench system incorporates equipment such as a power meter and a waveform measurement instrument. Generally, when acquiring the evaluation data, it is necessary to collect data from each instrument, and, commonly, a data collection system is constructed according to a customer's request

A waveform measurement instrument and power meter in the test room can be operated by a worker who is familiar with their operations, but the worker is often not allowed to enter the test room while motors and inverters are actually in operation. Unexpectedly, there are many cases in which the setting conditions temporarily set before measurement are insufficient in actual measurement


IS8000 軟件平台是加速工程工作流程的集成解決方案。它是一款革命性的軟件,將來自多個儀器的計時、控制和數據收集緊密集成在一起,創建了一個全面的測量套件,可提供信心、效率和統一性
VR-24 是一款用於汽車 NVH 測試的視頻 NV 記錄儀,可完美同步記錄 2 通道高清視頻和模擬傳感器信號以及 CAN、GPS 和脈衝數據
WT1800E 是一款高性能功率分析儀,可保證讀數的 0.05% 加上量程的 0.05% 的功率精度。它能夠分析高達 50/60 Hz 基頻的 500 次諧波。WT1800E 具有多達 6 個輸入通道、廣泛的顯示和分析功能以及 PC 連接,
為了實現低碳社會,消除對化石燃料的需求,實現聯合國可持續發展的全球目標,新的可再生能源與交通運輸、家用工業電器的節能技術開發迫在眉睫。 為了最大限度減少能量損失,優化設計效率,工程師們需要詳細了解產品的電氣和機械行為。DL950示波記錄儀
10MS/s, 1MHz 功率頻寬, 由Yokogawa isoPRO™光纖隔離技術支援的18位元A/D解析度 · 一台儀器可同時分析7相功率,即時產生超過1000個功率參數