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WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer 使用新式電流量測模組

The current sensor element for the Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer is ideal for applications requiring a current transformer for high-current measurements. The internal DC power supply simplifies preparations before measurement, requiring only a connecting cable and eliminating the external power supply.

The WT5000, an industry-leading power analyzer, features seven field-removeable elements, 10 MS/s, 1 MHz power bandwidth, 18-bit resolution, and 0.03% basic power accuracy. Yokogawa Test&Measurement continues to innovate on the platform, enabling /D7 data streaming, /G7 harmonics, and flicker analysis.

The new current sensor element replaces the traditional current inputs and includes a sensor input terminal with integrated ±15V power supply, eliminating the need for an external power supply. The isolated voltage terminals remain the same as the 5A and 30A elements.


AC/DC 電流傳感器能夠在 DC 範圍內進行高精度測量
10MS/s, 1MHz 功率頻寬, 由Yokogawa isoPRO™光纖隔離技術支援的18位元A/D解析度 · 一台儀器可同時分析7相功率,即時產生超過1000個功率參數