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Yokogawa Test&Measurement IS8000 Integrated Software Platform

The IS8000 Integrated Software Platform | Yokogawa Test&Measurement


*The firmware update is required for each devices to connect IS8000.
DL950:Ver.1.50 or later, WT5000:Ver. 3.31 or later



  • Added support for the WT1800R High-Performance Power Analyzer.

Previous version 



  • Added harmonic and interharmonic measurement for IEEE 1547-2018 and VDE-AR-N 4105 Standard, as the standard features of IS8001/IS8002.
    (G7 option and upcoming firmware ver.3.61 on the connecting WT5000 is required.)
    (Not available on the IS8011/IS8012.)
  • Expanded API features that enable configurations of DAQ condition, recording channels, saving folders, and others.
  • Improved operability of the zoom function.
  • Added new keypad for DL950 remote control function.




  • Added support for DL950/MT1: Motor dq Analysis option.
  • Added the Numeric Monitor display for DL950 and RAMScope.
    (EM1 option required to connect RAMScope series.)
  • Enabled preview of Peak-to-Peak compressed waveform from WT5000.
  • Enabeld simultaneous recording of Data-Streamed waveform and Peak-to-Peak compressed waveform from WT5000.
    (DS option is required on the connected WT5000.)
  • Serial Bus Analysis function: Enabled search by data information and exporting the decoded data as CSV file.
    (SB1 option required)
  • Improved performance for waveform display.



  • Added support for the DLM5000HD Series High Definition Oscilloscopes.
  • Improved time taken to launch the software and display the waveforms.
  • Enabled to create a cache file to load MDF files faster. The feature can be turned on from the settings menu.
  • Added the Peak-to-Peak compression (extracting the maximum and minimum values for each interval) to the compression process for file exporting.
  • Enabled to change the number of significant digits displayed for cursor and statistical values.
  • Enabled to display the DC component of the FFT waveforms (with MH1 option).


  • Added support for new options, Serial bus analysis (SB1) and Modbus/TCP communication (MB1).





  • Supported WT5000 data streaming (/DS) function *1
    This function streams the waveform data measured by the WT5000 continuously to the PC.
    In addition, the measured waveform can be saved as an MDF/CSV file, analyzed for feature points, calculated, and FFT processed *2.
    More detailed analysis is possible, such as how a change in the noise or control state affect the power value and each parameter.

*1 DS option is required on the connected WT5000.
*2 MH1 option on the IS8000 is required for some calculations and analysis

Software Update Information



The unification of test instruments ensures measurement coherency during the product development process and allows for effortless data sharing throughout an organization. IS8000 makes it easier to debug and analyze data by viewing all measurements under one unified display.


IS8000 allows you to streamline the product development process by spending less time developing testing systems and more time collecting valuable test data. With one software to set up and control all the instruments you need, you can start measuring data faster and more efficiently.


Storing data in one format and location has never been simpler. IS8000 gives you data you can trust by synchronizing measurements across multiple instruments utilizing an IEEE1588 time base.


With today’s fast evolving technology, a software that has the ability to expand is crucial. As your needs evolve, so can IS8000. Analyze your data deeper with add-on software packages.

The Power of One

The IS8000 software platform is an integrated solution that accelerates engineering workflow. It is a revolutionary software solution that tightly integrates the timing, control, and data collection from multiple instruments, creating a comprehensive measurement suite that delivers high confidence, efficiency, and unity.

IS8000 Integrated Software Platform | Yokogawa Test&Measurement


High speed data acquisition up to 10 Gb

In combination with the 10 GbE option (C60 option) on the DL950 and the IS8000, up to 8 channels of data can be stored in real time on a PC at a sampling rate of up to 10 M samples per seconds.*

Longer recording times are now possible for high-speed, multi-channel inputs such as gate signals and switching waveforms of multi-phase inverters.

* With 1 Gb Ethernet/USB connection, the maximum transfer rate is 6.4 MB/s (200 kS/s × 16 ch) 
IS8000 Integrated Software High Speed Data Acquisition | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

Multi-unit monitoring with time synchronization (SY1 option)

IS8000 and SY1 option enable accurate power and waveform data synchronization across multiple channels with minimal error. Data from the WT5000 power analyzer and DL950 ScopeCorder is time correlated with less than 500 ns error using IEEE1588 technology.

IS8000 Integrated Software Multi Unit Monitoring Time Synchronization | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

Control and realtime remote monitoring

YOKOGAWA’s high-precision power analyzer, ScopeCorder and oscilloscope can be remotely operated, monitored and configured from IS8000. Additional options, third-party high-speed cameras can also be controlled, greatly reducing the burden of operating and managing various instruments measuring power, physical phenomenon, video, and control signals.

IS8000 Integrated Software Control Realtime Remote Monitoring | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

FFT and math function (MH1 option)

Measure up to 16 FFT processes for a wealth of analysis functions for automatic calculation of frequency and integrated value and filter processing.

IS8000 Integrated Software FFT and Math Function | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

Report generator (RP1 option)

Customized reports are easily created by dragging and dropping measurement data, waveforms, graphs, etc. onto the sheet.

IS8000 Integrated Software Report Generator | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

File import and export

The IS8000 supports binary, ASCII, and the MDF format, a very common format for the automotive industry. Power and waveform data on the IS8000 can be shared with your development system or third-party software.

IS8000 Integrated Software Platform MDF ASCII Data Export | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

*1 Import of MDF files generated by other software/devices will be supported in the future
*2 Power trend data saved by WT5000 is supported only

Synchronization high-speed camera (FS1 option)

IS8000 synchronizes high speed camera images with related current, voltage, and control signals. Simultaneous slow motion playback allows visualization between design and results.

IS8000 Integrated Software Synchronization High Speed Camera | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

Optional software package for IEC harmonic and flicker compliance test

IS8011/IS8012 optional software package is designed to perform harmonic and flicker tests in accordance with IEC61000-3-2, 3-3, 3-11 and 3-12 standards using the WT5000 precision power analyzer. Users can easily set the conditions and output the test report without any specialized knowledge. Users can make a pass/fail judgment by class A, B, C, and D of the harmonic current measurement values.

  • New harmonics acquisition mode compliant with IEC 61000-4-7 Annex B (2k-9kHz) is supported in IS8001/IS8002.

IS8000 Integrated Software IS8011 IS8012 IEC Harmonic Flicker Compliance Analysis | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

IEEE1588 Precision Time Protocol

IEEE 1588 is a standard for the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), a protocol for high-precision time synchronization of networked instruments and control systems. The PTP grandmaster server provides a reference clock for each client instrument to achieve high-precision clock synchronization. Since the ScopeCorder DL950 has the PTP master function, high precision clock synchronization of the corresponding instruments on the same network is possible even without a PTP grandmaster server. The IS8000 is also capable of combining the simultaneous measurement data of each of these PTP-synchronized instruments in the same window.

IS8000 Integrated Software Platform IEEE1588 Precision Time Protocol | Yokogawa Test&Measurement






IS8000 Integrated Software Platform | Yokogawa Test&Measurement
Time Synchronize 160 Input Channels with Multi- Unit Synchronization using a DL950 ScopeCorder
Capture & Record High-Speed Data w /10Gb Ethernet Option for DL950 ScopeCorder


AC/DC 電流傳感器能夠在 DC 範圍內進行高精度測量
WT1800E 是一款高性能功率分析儀,可保證讀數的 0.05% 加上量程的 0.05% 的功率精度。它能夠分析高達 50/60 Hz 基頻的 500 次諧波。WT1800E 具有多達 6 個輸入通道、廣泛的顯示和分析功能以及 PC 連接,
為了實現低碳社會,消除對化石燃料的需求,實現聯合國可持續發展的全球目標,新的可再生能源與交通運輸、家用工業電器的節能技術開發迫在眉睫。 為了最大限度減少能量損失,優化設計效率,工程師們需要詳細了解產品的電氣和機械行為。DL950示波記錄儀
10MS/s, 1MHz 功率頻寬, 由Yokogawa isoPRO™光纖隔離技術支援的18位元A/D解析度 · 一台儀器可同時分析7相功率,即時產生超過1000個功率參數