首頁  >  廠牌分類  >  Kewell  >  功率半導體測試與智能製造設備  >  MX300C系列功率器件熱特性測試系統




◎ 測試精度高精度,恆溫版控制精度高,加熱電流去除速度快;

◎ '實時"結構功能診斷: 可以快速獲得故障進度、循環次數、故障原因等結果,自動停止測試;

◎ 操作過程中可遠程監控: 用戶通過移動端/PC端口遠程控制試驗進程;

◎ 完善的保護機制,具備過溫,煙霧和冷卻劑洩漏檢測等多重保護;


◎ 設備輔控系統採用UPS 供電,斷電狀態仍可指示設備安全狀態。

Models & Specifications

Models MX300C-1500
Precision Constant temp. plate 1 Temp. control precision: ±0.5℃Temp. control range: 15~80℃
Constant temp. plate 2 Stability: ±0.01℃Temp. control range: -35~200℃
Voltage drop measurement ±50μV
Tj measurement ±2℃
Temp. measurement of cold plate & case ±2℃
Gate current detection 0.2nA-100uA; Resolution: 25pA
Capacity Rth/Zth/K Curve 1 sample per single test
Power cycling(Unit: Second/Minute) 12 samples per single test
The K Curve Test Test current Range: 0~3A; Precision: ≤0.1%+5mA; Resolution: 0.1mA
Constant temp. system Temp. range: -35~200℃; Stability: ±0.01℃(Depend on the equipment.)
Rth/Zth Test Tj test Sampling rate: 1MHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Tc test Sampling rate: 1MHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Fast turnoff Sample Im can be removed within 1μs.
Zthjc/Zthja tests Available
Display of integral/differential structure function curve Available
Power Cycling Test(Unit: Second) Power supply Output capacity>1800A;Current precision: ±0.1%set+0.4%FS
Tj test Sampling rate: 10KHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Tc test Sampling rate: 10KHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Typical conditions 0.5s<tcycle<10s; Tjmax=150℃; ΔTjmax=60K;130,000 cycles
Ageing mode Constant current; Constant Tjmax/ΔTjmax;Constant power P
Data recording IH; ton; toff; Tjmax; ΔTj; Tjmin; Tcoolant; Coolant flow F; Cold plate temp. THS
Power Cycling Test(Unit: Minute) Power supply Output capacity>1800A/10VCurrent precision: ±0.1%set+0.4%FS
Tj test Sampling rate: 10KHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Tc test Sampling rate: 10KHz; Precision: 2℃; Resolution: 0.1℃
Typical conditions 2min<tcycle<6min; TCmin=25℃; ΔTjmax=80K; 2,000~5,000 cycles
Ageing mode Constant current; Constant Tjmax/ΔTjmax; Constant power P
Data recording IH; ton; toff; Tjmax; ΔTj; Tjmin; Tcoolant; Coolant flow F; Cold plate temp. THS